Standard Rim

The Kerckhaert Standard Rim is a one-shape pattern (no front or hind), creased from heel to heel to provide extra traction.

  • Crease extends from heel to heel, providing extra traction
  • V-Crease provides secure nail fit and more nail options
  • Shape is easily converted to front or hind shape
  • Turned steel is higher grade than drop forged
  • Toe is not pointed and is easier to fit
  • Bevels on the inside and outside of the shoe provide additional breakover
  • Crease from heel to heel provides option for added traction
  • Shape allows for easy fitting of front or hind feet
  • Higher grade steel results in better wear
  • Wider range of nails will fit V-Crease
Este Estandar Rim de Kerckhaert es de un solo diseño (no alante o atras) plegado de tacon a tacon para tener mas traccion
  • Pliegue se extiende de tacon a tacon, dandote mas traccion
  • Pliegue V provee mas seguridad al clavo
  • Su forma es facilmente convertida a forma de atras o alante
  • Acero torneado es de mas alta calidad que forjeado
  • El dedo no es puntiagudo es es mas facil de ajustar
  • Bisel dentro y afuera de la herradura provee mas movimiento
  • Pliegue de tacon a tacon te provee con mas traccion
  • Su forma es facilmente ajustada para alante y atras
  • Alta calidad de acero te da mejor desgasto
  • Mas opciones de clavos entran al Pliegue V