Bellota RAZOR+ Rasp

The rasp side of the Bellota RAZOR+ offers a most aggressive cut, with a larger tooth design when compared to other Bellota rasps. In addition, special steel characteristics combined for the longest durability.


"The Razor Plus is amazing for its durability and longevity. I was given one at the SCC Contest and have used this rasp ever since...every other rasp is disappointing." - Ben Crott, CF of Browns Valley, California

"I’ve become a fan of the Bellota Razor Plus." - Glenn Reese of Springville, Alabama

"I’ve been using the Razor Plus now and I get many more horses out of each rasp. They are an awesome rasp on dry hard feet and speed you up with less effort. Great product!" - Rick Denning of Oviedo, Florida

  • Superior quality assurance systems
  • Exclusive Bellota sharpening technology
  • Uniform tooth geometry
  • Special Bellota chrome alloy steel
  • Integral heat treatment
  • File side has a coarse cut for the most efficient finish in all working conditions
  • Rasp side is most aggressive (6 teeth/row) for the fastest removal of hoof material
  • Larger tooth design to reduce clogging
  • Consistent quality
  • Best price of major brands
  • Aggressive cut removes material quickly
Acero de Características Especiales para la máxima durabilidad.
  • Diseño de dientes más grandes para disminuir embotamiento
  • La cara Escofina de la Bellota RAZOR+ ofrece el corte más agresivo, con un diseño de dientes mas grandes comparados con las demás raspas Bellota. Además las características especiales del acero se combinan para la maxima durabilidad
  • Tecnología de Afilado Especial Bellota
  • Acero Bellota Especial al Cromo
  • Tratamiento térmico integral
  • Geometría de Dientes uniforme
  • Cara ESCOFINA: Talla de CORTE MAXIMO (6 dientes/fila) para máximo rendimiento de corte
  • Cara LIMA: Talla BASTA para el acabado fino más eficaz en todas las condiciones de trabajo
  • Superiores sistemas de Garantía de Calidad
  • Corte agresivo elimina material rápidamente
  • Maxima consistencia en calidad
  • El mejor precio entre las principales marcas


Length (IN): 14
Width (IN): 1.75
Thickness (IN): 13/64
Rasp Cut: Most Aggressive
File Cut: Coarse
Weight: 1.50
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