Diamond® Frog Dressing 4 oz.

Diamond Frog Dressing is easy to apply and control thanks to its gel formulation. Treatment works against fungus and bacteria for maximum effectiveness against thrush causing organisms. Contains no carcinogens.

  • Flexible tip applicator
  • Gel formula that does not run
  • Bonds to the hoof protein to form a barrier between thrush and healthy tissue
  • Reduces bacteria and fungi without harming the surrounding tissue
  • Does not contain formalin or other harmful chemicals
  • No caustic agents – will not harm surrounding tissue
  • Flexible tip applicator gets treatment into cracks, nail holes, and defects
  • Blue color shows where product has been applied, and when it needs to be reapplied
Diamond Frog Dressing se aplica facilmente gracias a su forma de gel. El tratamiento trabaja contra fongo y bacteria para efecto maximo contra organismos que causan pudricion. No contiene carcinogenos.
  • Reduce bacteria y fongo sin causar daño alrededor del tejido
  • Se pega al casco para formar una barrera entre la pudricion y el tejido sano
  • Formula de gel que no se corre
  • Punto del aplicador es flexible
  • Color azul enseño donde el producto a sido aplicado, y cuando se necesita aplicar de nuevo
  • No agentes causticos - no va a dañar el tejido alrededor
  • El aplicador flexible mete la solucion dentro de aberturas, huecos de clavos, y defectos
  • No contiene formalin o chemicale que puedan dañar


Weight: 0.40
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