
E-Slim are European style nails. These fit well in shoes like the Kerckhaert DF and SSP series that were made first for the European market. Used most often in the Hunter and Jumper discipline. Some farriers prefer to punch their hand made shoes for E-heads because of the symmetrical nature of the nail. There is also a feeling that an E-head nail has more strength because the shank comes out of the center of the head, with slightly more mass.


• Packed in secure plastic boxes
• Highly polished finish
• Excellent steel
• Consistently sharp points


• Material is optimum for clinching
• Far fewer unuseable nails
• Consistency
• Finish and points enable smooth driving

E-Slim son clavos de estilo europeo. Estos caben bien en herraduras como el DF de Kerckhaert y la serie SSP que fueron hechas primero para el mercado europeo. Se usan mas en la disciplina de Hunter y Jumper. Algunos herradores prefieren perforar sus herraduras hecha a mano para E-Heads por la simetrica del clavo. Tambien hay una sencacion que un clavo E-Head es mas fuerte por el mango que sale del centro de la cabeza, con un poco mas de masa.


• Acero exelente
• Terminado bien Pulido
• Puntos afilados
• Empacado en cajas de plastic


• Consistencia
• Menos Clavos que se usan
• Su Buena forma deja que entren facil
• Material es optimo para remachar