
FootPro™ 6" Buff/Sharpening Wheel

Deburring wheel embedded with silicon carbide crystals. Used for blending surfaces prior to final sharpening and removing file markings. No need to use compound. A groove can be cut into this wheel to sharpen the hook of the knife. Dimensions: 6" diameter, 3/4" thick supplied with telescoping bushing for various diameter shafts. Baldor 1/4 hp buffer operating at 1800 rpm is recommended.

Rueda de afilar incrustada con cristales de carburo de silicio. Usada para mezclar la superficie antes del afilo final y remover las marcas. No nesecitasssss usar compound. Una ranura se puede cortar en esta rueda para afilar el gancho del cuchillo. Dimesiones: 6" diametro, 1/2" grueso viene con bushings para varios diametros de eje.


Disc Diameter: 6"
Overall Length (in): 6
Weight: 0.52
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