Farrier Product Distribution Sponsors New AFA Contest Division

Farrier competition shoe

The Beveled Front Shoe, one of the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division specialty forging shoes for the AFA’s 2014 Reno, Nevada convention.

FPD will be sponsoring the new Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division at the American Farrier’s Association National Competition in Reno, Nevada, February 26-27, 2014. We appreciate another opportunity to be involved in the continuing education and improvement of skills that come as a result of participating in events like the annual AFA competition.

The Journeyman Front shoe, one of two in the Intermediate Journeyman Class.

According to the Rules Committee, to qualify for this new division you must have never entered the AFA Competition, other than in the Two Person Draft class or working as a striker. You can enter the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division for as long as you want until you win the overall. Winning the overall automatically moves you up to the Open Division the following year. Judges for this division in 2014 as well as the open division are Travis Koons, CJF, Gerard Laverty, CJF, TE, and Gene Lieser, CJF.


Liberty Nails will be used in all Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division classes. Liberty is producing a full line of American and European style nails.





This is an exciting opportunity for many farriers to start building their skills in the forging arena. The Division pays back 100% of the sponsorship money plus 65% of the entry fees so there is excellent pay back for the division.Shoes for the various classes can be found on the AFA website. The shoes are all illustrated in the Bloom Book of Shoes that is available from FPD dealers. The only exception is the Deep Seated Bar Shoe that will be plain stamped rather than fullered as shown in the Book of Shoes. All shoes will be punched for Kerckhaert’s Liberty Horseshoe Nails, the fastest growing brand in the market today.

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