
Liberty 5 City - 250 Piece Box

Nails with the City designation were once the most commonly used nail and still hold a substantial share of the market. The blades are slightly larger in dimension to provide more strength and durability. Most of the American style shoes in the market are punched for 5 City and 5 Slim.

  • Packed in secure plastic boxes
  • Excellent steel
  • Consistently sharp points
  • Highly polished finish
  • Material is optimum for clinching
  • Finish and points enable smooth driving
  • Far fewer unuseable nails
  • Consistency
Clavos de diseño City fueron una vez los mas usados y todavia tienen una sustancial parte del mercado. La cuchilla son un poco mas grande en dimencion para proveer mas fuerza y durabilidad. La mayoria de herraduras de estilo America en el mercado son perforadas para 5 City y 5 Slim
  • Acero exelente
  • Puntos afilados
  • Empacado en cajas de plastic
  • Terminado bien Pulido
  • Material es optimo para remachar
  • Su Buena forma deja que entren facil
  • Menos Clavos que se usan
  • Consistencia


Material: Steel
Box Size: 250
A: 4.3mm
D: 7.3mm
H: 50mm
K: 8.2mm
Weight: 1.60
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