Vector 5 Regular (250 pc/bx)

Regular head nails have a larger head than the City styles. The shank of the nail is also proportionately larger than City styles. They are used for resets but are also used for horses that are working on difficult terrain or have traction devices that create more stress on the nails. Larger regular head nails are used for Draft or other work horses. They are also used for gaited horse disciplines that are shod with thicker steel.

  • Packed in secure plastic boxes
  • Consistently sharp points
  • Highly polished finish
  • Excellent steel
  • Good points and highly polished finish make driving easier
  • Strong clinches
  • Consistent driving
La cabeza de clavos regulares tienen una cabeza mas grande que la de estilo de City. EL mango del clavo tambien es mas grande que los de City. Son usados para reajustar pero tambien son para caballos que trabajan en terrenos dificiles o tienen un aparato de traccion que crea mas fuerza en el clavo. Clavos de cabeza mas grande son usados para Draft u otros caballos de trabajo. Tambien son usados para caballos de trote que son herrados con acero mas grueso
  • Empacado en cajas de plastic
  • Puntos afilados
  • Terminado bien Pulido
  • Acero exelente
  • Materiales Fuertes proven major traccion y major desgasto
  • Buen puntos y bien Pulido te deja martillar major
  • Consistencia martillando


Material: Steel
Box Size: 250
A: 5.5mm
D: 8.1mm
H: 50.0mm
K: 8.6mm
Weight: 2.25
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