2015 AFA Convention Awards

The 2015 AFA Convention marked the second year that FPD sponsored the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division.  Congratulations to the winners and participants highlighted below.

Cole McElroy, high point winner, poses with Dan Burke of FPD.

Cole McElroy, CF, high point winner, poses with Dan Burke of FPD.


Kerckhaert-Liberty  Intermediate Division Qualifier Class - Sponsored by FPD, Inc.

Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Qualifier Class – Sponsored by FPD, Inc.

Winners of the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Qualifier Class – Sponsored by FPD, Inc. were as follows:

1. Sara Vanderpool, CJF
2. Ross Hood, DipWCF
3. Daniel Crowe, CJF
4. Justin Decker, CF
5. Cole McElroy, CF
6. Adam Fahr, CJF


Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Journeyman Class - Sponsored by FPD, Inc.

Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Journeyman Class – Sponsored by FPD, Inc.

Winners of the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Journeyman Class – Sponsored by FPD, Inc. were as follows:

1. Cole McElroy, CF
2. Marc Lemieux (not pictured)
3. Justin Decker, CF
4. Olivier Dufresne, CJF
5. Russel Stevens, CF
6. Remington Leach, CJF


Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Specialty Forging Class - Sponsored by Farrier Product Distribution

Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Specialty Forging Class – Sponsored by FPD, Inc.

Winners of the Kerckhaert-Liberty Intermediate Division Specialty Forging Class- Sponsored by FPD, Inc. were as follows:

1. Marc Lemieux (not pictured)
2. Sara Vanderpool, CJF
3. Cole McElroy, CF
4. Remington Leach, CJF
5. Daniel Crow, CJF
6. Justin Decker, CF

The American Farrier’s Team presented FPD with a shoe board in appreciation of FPD’s continued support.

The American Farrier’s Team presented FPD with a shoe board in appreciation of FPD’s continued support.   Josh Stanley, Ben Mangan, Linda Hill, Robbie Mederos and Team Manager Conrad Trow.  Nto Pictured: Rusty Wells and Jake Engler

Josh Stanley, Ben Mangan, Linda Hill, Robbie Mederos and Team Manager Conrad Trow. Not Pictured: Rusty Wells and Jake Engler.

A close-up of the American Farrier's Team Plaque

A close-up of the American Farrier’s Team Plaque.

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