Farrier Modifications of Horseshoes

Farrier Forging Tools

Tools of the Trade – a group of Bloom forging tools used to make various shoe modifications.

We recently had Mike Wildenstein come by the shop and spend some time doing some shoe modifications using Kerckhaert Standard and Standard Extra shoes. There are a lot of shoes in the market now with modifications that are already built in to the shoes but we think it’s important that the skills necessary to modify shoes are not neglected.


The Kerckhaert Standard and Standard Extra have a generic shape and work well for modifications. Both shoes have good heel width for doing various extensions and work in the heel area. The Extra is especially good as the overall width of stock provides excellent support and strength for larger horses and rougher terrain.

Forge and truck

Mike Wildenstein brings another shoe out for the series of modifications he was demonstrating.

The modifications covered a whole range of extensions, clips, breakover aids and traction devices. The work was filmed and will be added to the growing list of titles on the FootPro Information Series for Professional Farriers that can be accessed via the FPD website or on YouTube. Mike’s goal was to not only share the steps involved in creating the modifications but provide a brief explanation of why they would be useful for certain conformation problems, terrain and other factors that come into play when determining how to shoe the individual you are working on.

Standard Extra with Heel Extension, most commonly used as lateral extension on hind foot.


Shoe Modification

Rocker Toe Modification on Standard, using FootPro rounding hammer. This is a strong breakover enhancement choice.




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